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Get ETH for gas

ETH is the base token on the Aurora Mainnet and Aurora Testnet chains. Therefore to deploy your contracts or to execute transactions you will need to have some ETH on your wallet to pay for the gas. Let's find out where you can get it for both Mainnet and Testnet.


Gas price on Aurora is always constant and right now is only 0.07GWei, so even small amounts of ETH should be enough to do most of the operations. For example, a coin transfer will cost you only around 0.0000015 ETH ($0.006), and an ERC-20 contract deployment – 0.00005 ETH ($0.2).

Get ETH on Testnet

To get ETH on Aurora Testnet you have the following options:

  1. Get 0.001ETH on Aurora Faucet.
  2. Get ETH on Near or Ethereum chains and bridge it with the Testnet Rainbow Bridge.
  3. Get ETH on one or more Sepolia faucets and transfer it via Testnet RainbowBridge to your Aurora address:

Get ETH on Mainnet

To get ETH on Aurora Mainnet you will need to:

  1. On-ramp with fiat using Transak or Munzen.
  2. Swap the on-ramped tokens to ETH with Aurora+.
  3. Get ETH on Near or Ethereum chains and bridge it with the Rainbow Bridge.

Now you are ready to interact with Aurora networks and pay for you gas! Let’s read about building some dApps in the next articles.